Travelling at Home
Yes, Ryan.
I would like to Travel to Meet my Friends…
Ryan– we can’t Afford to Travel to Meet your Friends
because we are So Far Away from them.
Sigh… !!!
But, Ryan–
You can Travel in your Mind and in your Heart.
Here– Look at this Book, Ryan.
It has the Flags of All the Countries of the World.
You have Friends in Many of these Countries!
I’m Thinking of an Idea that will Help Bring your Friends Closer to you.
Here– Sit at our Kitchen Table and Look at this Map of Europe.
Meanwhile, I’ll Go and Prepare a Fun Surprise for you!
Daddy– I have Good Friends in the Netherlands!!
Yes, you Do, Ryan.
And here in Poland, too!
Where’s my *Surprise* Daddy?
Here is Some Colored Paper, Ryan…
Why don’t we Use it to Make Flags of Some of the Countries
Where you Have Friends that you would Like to Visit?
You Can Think About Them and of the Interesting Places Where They Live…
This Looks HARD, Dad!!
Ryan– I’ve already cut up All the Colored Paper
into the Correct Shapes for you to Make Flags–
It will be EASY… Go Ahead– Try it, Ryan–
I Made a Flag of France, Dad!!
…and this one is of Russia!
I Remember the Czech Republic… my First Friends were From There…
Lots of Flags are Red, White and Blue, aren’t they Dad?
That’s True, Ryan… but Lots Aren’t
Here is the Flag of Germany– I’ve got Good Friends There…
You Lived There, right, Daddy?
Yes, I did, Ryan.
I have Polish Friends and here is Their Flag!
Oh– Dad! You Cut-out a Circle so that I can Make the Japanese Flag.
I have Lots of Japanese Friends!
The Flag of Sweden is Pretty!
This is FUN, Dad!
Thank You for Creating this Project for me!!
It Really Helps me to Think about Where Some of my Friends are…
And, Many, Many of my Friends Live in the United Kingdom–!!!
Thank you for Assembling this Flag for me, Dad.
–I Sure Could Not Do This One Myself!!!!
Thanks, Dad!
This Project Really Made me Feel Warm and Happy–
I Feel Much Closer to my Friends now, Dad!!!
–But I STILL Want to Visit Them– SOON!!
We will, Ryan. As-Soon-as-Possible…!!
What a beary fun project! You did a great job on the flags Ryan!
What a fun project. You are a beary lucky bear to have friends all over the world.
What a great idea to learn the flags of the countries where your friends live. Don’t for get your friends in this country, maybe you could learn something about the state where they live.
Oh what fun!!! I wish we could visit with you,too!!
Thanks, Buttons. Dad says we will have to do a Series on Regions of the U.S.A. Too Many States…!
Smiles to Jerry and Ben, Little Fox and our Buddy Beanie!!
that is a beary fun project! I hope you will make a flag of Bosnia next time – that is where I am from.
Nice flags! If you do travel to Europe one day please ler us know, perhaps we can come and meet you somewhere! That would be great!