Food for Thought
Ryan– Pinkie– come See This…
One of Our Facebook Friends is Talking about Space Food!!
….*SURPRISE*…. Space Food, Ryan!
Space Food that is also Ice Cream!
Here’s One for Pinkie!
Ah–– Pinkie… Maybe you want to Try it First?!
Oh– that’s O.K., Ryan… you go Right on Ahead!
C’mon, guys! It’s *REAL* Ice Cream…
that has been Freeze Dried.
They Just Took the Water Out of It…
(so that it would be Lighter because it is Extremely Expensive to Carry any Weight Up into Space).
It’s Good, Daddy! … Try yours, Ryan!
Hey! It Tastes like Ice Cream… but Look––
I can Drop Some on the Table and Mom won’t Yell at me ’cause it Does Not MELT!!!
Thanks Daddy, for a Delicious Surprise!
Wow, space food, what a lucky bear you are Ryan! What new space adventure are you planning next? If you encounter a honey planet, let us know!!!
Hey, wat’s yor fayvrit flayvor?
I like Mint Choc Chip wiv hunny sorse.
Mummy likes Rarsberry Rippol.
That is some pretty awesome space ice cream you have there! YUM!
That looks pretty yummy, you guys!
Nice post!