‘A’ is for Apple… (sauce)…
Hey, Ryan–
I’m Making Applesauce… wanna’ Help?
Wow, Dad! Such Pretty Apples!
Yes. I’ll Help you Make Applesauce.
…and so, the Beautiful Princess became Best Friends
with the Happy Dragon and the Brave Knight.
Pinkie– Daddy and I are Making Applesauce.
Would you like to Help?
Sure, Ryan! I Like Cooking with you and Daddy…
and I’ve Just Finished Reading Kitty this Story.
Wow! You’ve Got Everything Ready to Prepare the Applesauce Recipe!
That’s the First Thing we Do for All our Recipes, Pinkie. Remember?!
How do you Make Applesauce, Dad?
Well, Pinkie– First, we Start with Nice, Fresh Apples…
There’s Different Kinds of Apples, Daddy.
Yes, Ryan. You are Very Observant!
There are Many Different Types of Apple Varities Grown, Ryan.
We are Combining Three Types for their Different Flavors and Textures.
Pinkie– you have Fuji Apples
Ryan– you have Granny Smith Apples
And you Each have a Gala Apple
Here is a Useful Picture Chart of Many Types of Apples and How to Use them
Let’s Make Sure that they All Fit into our Mixing Bowl.
They Do– !
The First Thing we Do to Make Applesauce is to Squeeze some Lemons–
Trust me, kids… I’ll Explain later.
Then, we Pour the Lemon Juice into Two Cups of Water in this Pot.
Next, we Start to Peel our Apples.
We have Six Apples.
I’m a-peeling, Dad…!
Yes–– you ARE Appealing, Ryan!!
Pinkie–! How Do you Do That?!?!
Do What, Ryan?
Peel your Apple All in One Long Peel…
I Guess I’m Just Naturally Talented…
I Don’t Think that I can Finish This by myself, Pinkie. Would you Please Help me?
Sure, Ryan. This Apple Coring and Slicing Tool is a Two-Bear Operation!
Mom says “Many Hands Makes Light Work”. She’s Right, Ryan!!!
Wow! See How this Really Special Tool Cores and Slices our Apple?
Now, Kids… here’s where we Use that Lemon Water that we Made
way back at the Beginning of our Recipe.
If we Do Not Place the Apples in the Lemon Water
the Sliced Apple pieces will begin to Turn Brown–– like Pinkie’s Apple Peel here.
My Apple is Ready to Go Into the Pot of Lemon Water, Daddy.
Look! You can See my Apple Slices have Green on them
and Ryan’s Apple Slices have Red on them.
O.K. Keep on Peeling and Slicing and Coring our Other Four Apples, Kids.
We Really Made a LOT of Apple Slices, Dad.
And we Made a LOT of Apple Cores and Peels, too, Dad!
Just Push Those Aside for Now, Kids–
We Have More Work to Do.
I’ve Drained the Lemon Water from the Apples in this Collander–
We will put More Water Into Our Pot Later…
We’ve Placed our Six Apples into our Bowl…
Now, I’ll Add Some Sugar to These Apple Slices.
Our Recipe Also calls for a Little Salt…
I Mixed the Apples with the Sugar and Salt– The Apple Slices Look Yummy!
Next, our Recipe calls for Some Spices.
I’ll Sprinkle the Spices All Over…
Yummy!!! / Yum!!!
Now, Kids, I Will Place the Apple Slices Back into our Pot and Add Two Cups of Water.
Then I’ll Place it On the Stove over Medium Heat and Cover the Pot with a Lid.
Remember All Those Apple Peels and Apple Cores, Kids?
Let’s Clean Up our Work Area, O.K.?
Later, we will Put This Out on our Compost Pile
and Mix it with Leaves and Grass to Help Make Soil for our Garden.
How’s Our Applesauce Doing, Dad?
Looks Good, Ryan! It Needs to Boil for 20 Minutes…
so, Let’s Use That Time to Clean Up after Ourselves.
I’ll Wash-Up, Daddy!
I’ll Dry, Pinkie!
Everything is Clean and Dry, Dad!
How’s our Applesauce Doing, Daddy?
It Looks GREAT, Pinkie and Ryan.
Look at How the Apples have Softened… they are Ready to Mash-Up, Kids!
Mash the Apples Well, Daddy–!
Yes– just like That, Daddy–!!
Thanks for Teaching Us to Make Apple Sauce, Dad!
Yes–! Thanks for Teaching Us, Dad!!
Where’s Mommy, Ryan…?
MOM–!!! Come and Have Some Applesauce that We Just Made with Daddy!!!!
It’s Warm and Delicious and we Really Had a Fun Time Making It!
I’m Coming, Kids… I was Taking a Nap.
You Guys Cooked while I was Sleeping? Amazing!!!
It Smells Wonderful in Here!
I Can Hardly Wait to See What you and Daddy Have Cooked this Time!!
Oooh this looks like a beary good recipe! Can’t wait to see how it turns out…
Apple sauce is yummy! Ben makes a wonderful apple pie, and he always uses Cortland apples.
Ajdin– we think Dad will finish our story on Saturdey… when he is off from work.
Jerry and Ben– we are using three types of apples– and we are all quite interested in how this turns out!
We will be sure to try Courtland apples when making our next pie, Jerry and Ben!