My First Airplane Ride
I’ve never been
on an Airplane before
We are Waiting
I’m tired of Waiting–
I want to Go! Mommy is Waiting for me

This is our Gate
Daddy says we go through the Gate to get onto our Plane

I’m inside a Plane! There’s lots of Seats
We have our own Seat by a Window

Time to Fly now
I’m Scared!
Daddy put my Seat Belt on for me

We are way above the Clouds
I can see out the Window
I’m not Scared anymore
We see a Ship sailing under a Bridge!
Daddy says it is a Very Big Ship
And it is a Very Big Bridge
The Ship and the Bridge just ‘look’ small
From up in the air everything looks tiny, says Daddy

Our Airplane landed in Atlanta, Georgia
These nice people cooked us some really Good Food
Then we got back on a Plane

Daddy says it takes two Plane rides to get to Mommy in Washington D.C.
Hurry, Daddy Hurry up! I want to see Mommy

Look! It’s Washington D.C.
Mommy lives there!
It’s dark out – so many pretty lights

I Love You, Mommy!
We waited Sooo long to See you
You are the Best Mommy Ever!
Really nicely done – all your posts! Lovely.
Ryan did enjoy riding the plane.