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Daddy, Pinkie, and Ryan’s Halloween Surprise!

Daddy– I want to Make Something for Pinkie this Halloween. I want it to be a Surprise!  Will you Please Help me to Build a Haunted House? Mommy Gave me this Kit to Build a Haunted House. Look! We’ve Built the Walls! And Now the Roof is Built! Thank you, Daddy, for Painting-In the Door […]


Ryan’s 5th Birthday Surprise!!!

  Ohhh!  Mommy–  Daddy–  What’s Happening? There’s Balloons!!!!! Surprise!  It’s your Birthday!!  Happy Birthday, Ryan!!! Oh– Ryan, Look at All your Presents! Wow!  Cool! Mommy– Will you Tie this Pretty Yellow Balloon to my Wrist– Please? O.K., Ryan… Can you Please Tie the Blue Balloon on Too??? Sure, Ryan… here you Go… Ohhhh!! Ohhhhhhh!! Uh– […]